Fine Wines Pte Ltd, in accord with the WSET Policy for Candidates Requiring Reasonable Adjustments, recognises that candidates with disabilities should have the opportunity to gain access to and participate fully in education and training life.
This Policy applies to candidates who identify as having a disability and who provide Fine Wines Pte Ltd with a verification statement from a health professional, and to teaching staff who deal with candidates with disabilities over teaching and assessment.
“Disability” in relation to a person means:
a. Total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions; or
b. Total or partial loss of a part of the body; or
c. The presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness; or
d. The malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body;
e. A disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without that disorder or malfunction
f. A disorder, illness or disease that affects the person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgement that results in disturbed behaviour;
Reasonable Adjustment:
a. An adjustment is any measure or action that a student requires because of their disability, and which has the effect of assisting the student to access and participate in education and training on the same basis as candidates without a disability.
b. An adjustment is reasonable if it achieves this purpose while taking into account factors such as the nature of the student's disability, the views of the student, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others who might be affected, and the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
c. An education provider is also entitled to maintain the academic integrity of a course or programand to consider the requirements or components that are inherent or essential to its nature when assessing whether an adjustment is reasonable.
d. A reasonable adjustment should not cause undue hardship to the education provider.
Reasonable adjustments to assessment: are variations to assessment tasks including additional time in examinations, providing examination questions in alternative formats, (e.g. audio-tape, Braille), substitution of one assessment task for another of equivalent academic merit, and provision of support personnel (e.g. readers for blind candidates).
Reasonable adjustments to teaching: are variations in course delivery including audio or video recording of lectures, provision of personal notes or copies of overheads to candidates, provision of sign language interpreters and using accessible venues.
Fine Wines Pte Ltd will make reasonable adjustments to accommodate candidates with disabilities without compromising the academic standard or essential nature of the course:
a. Candidates with disabilities are subject to standard rules and procedures regarding assessment and teaching. Variations are only available where the student can demonstrate disadvantage as a result of disability;
b. Adjustments are intended to minimise any competitive disadvantage that a person experiences as a result of their disability, rather than provide a competitive advantage.
c. All agreed adjustments related to assessments are to be pre-approved by the WSET and recorded on the student file.
Candidates with a Disability
It is the responsibility of candidates with a disability to:
a. Identify as a student with a disability and request information on support arrangements at the time of application.
b. Provide a verification statement of disability from an authorised assessing professional.
c. Candidates are advised to consult Fine Wines Pte Ltd staff well in advance to discuss issues/concerns and possibly negotiate Reasonable Adjustments.
d. All requests for reasonable adjustments should be submitted at least two months before commencement of study, to ensure the required adjustments can be prepared/implemented.
Manager / Coordinator & Teaching Staff
It is the responsibility of the Manager/Coordinator and/or Teaching Staff to:
a. Discuss support measures and reasonable adjustments following a student request.
b. Where appropriate, coordinate additional expert advice. Obtain prior approval from the WSET for all proposed arrangements.
c. Coordinate the provision of all specialised requirements (e.g. print in alternative formats, wheelchair accessible rooms & facilities, participation assistants).
d. Where appropriate, ensure Alternative Examination/Assessment Arrangements are pre-approved by WSET.
e. Ensure that reasonable adjustments and special arrangements are communicated and facilitated with the student during the course delivery
f. Ensure, in consultation with the Manager & with WSET, that the agreed reasonable adjustments do not compromise academic integrity.
i. Inform the student of the arrangements and venue for examinations.
ii. Inform the examination supervisor of all special arrangements made.
Any personal information provided by students will be handled in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.
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