WSET Policy Information at Fine Wines SG
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Cancellation and Refunds

Bookings will only be accepted on once full payment is made.

WSET Level 1 Award in Wines/Sake

4 weeks before the commencement of the course date - an administration fee of $200 + GST will deducted for the refund

1- 3 days notice before the commencement of course date - an administration fee of 300 + GST will deducted for the refund

WSET Level 2 Award in Wines/Sake

4 weeks before the commencement of the course date - an administration fee of $300 + GST will deducted for the refund  

1- 3 days notice before the commencement of course date - 50% of the total course fee will be deducted for the refund

 WSET Level 3 Award in Wines/Sake

4 weeks before the commencement of the course date - an administration fee of $500 + GST will deducted for the refund


1- 3 days notice before the commencement of course date - 50% of the total course fee will be deducted for the refund

Please note the abovementioned fee does not include the cost of textbook if you have collected. The cost of the textbook will then be added on top of the administration fee for the refund if the package has been opened.

No refund of the course fees will be made for cancellations once the course has begun.  

Fine Wines Pte Ltd reserves the right to reschedule or cancel any course. Should this become necessary, registered students may transfer their booking to another scheduled course of the same level at no extra cost or request a refund of the fee, minus the cost of any materials sent. In any event, Fine Wines Pte Ltd shall not be liable for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred by the participant.

Please note *all transfers are subject to availability on alternative course/examination dates.

If the candidate does not attend the course, it will be considered as the candidate's decision to withdraw from the course. In such cases, the entire course fees will be forfeited. 

Examination dates are fixed to the course onto which you book and any transfer to an alternative date will incur an administration fee of $100 per student.
*All transfer and cancelation requests must be made by email: at least 14 days before the original examination date.

Non-Refundable Policy for Open Date Course Purchases

All open tickets purchased for classes are non-refundable. Once issued, these tickets cannot be returned, exchanged, or reimbursed under any circumstances. Open tickets are valid for one year from the date of purchase and must be used within this period. However, ticket holders may transfer their open ticket to another individual, provided written notice is given prior to the class. Fine Wines Pte Ltd reserves the right to make changes to class schedules and venues as necessary. 

Course Cancellations

Fine Wines Pte Ltd reserves the right to cancel or change a course date. Fine Wines Pte Ltd will typically arrange an alternative date in these infrequent circumstances and offer students either a transfer to a new date or an alternative course if this date is not convenient. If neither option is made available by Fine Wines Pte Ltd, a refund, minus the full cost of the study materials will be offered.

Fine Wine Pte Ltd requires a minimum 9 pax to commence a WSET course and retains the authority to postpone or reschedule the course if the minimum required number of candidates is not met.

Additionally, Fine Wine Pte Ltd holds the right to cancel, reschedule, or postpone the course in situations where the speaker is unable to attend due to illness, accidents, emergencies, or disruptions caused by forces of nature.

Exam/Course Reschedule

If for any reason, you are not able to attend on your scheduled exam date or course date, you must give us notice. 

Reschedule with over 10 working day's notice before your exam/course date, you can reschedule your exam/course date for free.

If you change the exam/course date with less than 10 working days’ notice, you will need to pay the following rescheduling fees:

WSET Level 1 Reschedule Fee - $100+GST
WSET Level 2 Reschedule Fee - $150+GST
WSET Level 3 Reschedule Fee - $200+GST

If you do not pass your exam on the first attempt you may resit your exams. Please note the following re-sit fees:

WSET Level 1 Exam Resit - $120+GST
WSET Level 2 Exam Resit - $150+GST
WSET Level 3 Exam Resit Tasting - $100+GST
WSET Level 3 Exam Resit Theory - $200+GST
WSET Level 3 Exam Resit Theory + Tasting - $300+GST

If the candidate does not attend the course, it will be considered as the candidate's decision to withdraw from the course. In such cases, the entire course fees will be forfeited.

Special Consideration Policy

Fine Wines Pte Ltd (FWPL), recognises that there may be circumstances where a candidate may need to request special consideration after an assessment, due to circumstances which may have unfairly disadvantaged the candidate.

Special consideration is an action taken after an assessment to allow candidates who have been disadvantaged by temporary illness, injury, indisposition or adverse circumstances at the time of the assessment to demonstrate attainment.

A candidate may be eligible for special considerations if:

• performance in an examination is affected by circumstances beyond the control of the candidate. This may include recent personal illness, accident, bereavement or examination room conditions;

• alternative assessment arrangements which were agreed in advance of the assessment proved inappropriate or inadequate;

• the application of special consideration would not mislead the end-user of the certificate;


Candidate Responsibilities:

• Candidates must notify FWPL in writing within 3 days of the examination date where special consideration is being requested.

• Eligibility will only be considered if accompanied by supporting independent documentation;

• Candidates should note that failure to attend examinations due to work commitments does not qualify a candidate for “Special Consideration”.

FWPL Responsibilities:

• FWPL will provide guidance and assistance to candidates who intend to request Special Consideration and advising of the deadline for submission.

• In cases of serious disruption during the examination, the Examinations Officer will submit a detailed report of the circumstances and candidates affected to the Examinations Administrator at WSET.

Reasonable Adjustments Policy

Fine Wines Pte Ltd, in accord with the WSET Policy for Candidates Requiring Reasonable Adjustments, recognises that candidates with disabilities should have the opportunity to gain access to and participate fully in education and training life.

This Policy applies to candidates who identify as having a disability and who provide Fine Wines Pte Ltd with a verification statement from a health professional, and to teaching staff who deal with candidates with disabilities over teaching and assessment.


“Disability” in relation to a person means:
a. Total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions; or

b. Total or partial loss of a part of the body; or

c. The presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness; or

d. The malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body;

e. A disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without that disorder or malfunction

f. A disorder, illness or disease that affects the person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgement that results in disturbed behaviour;

Reasonable Adjustment:

a. An adjustment is any measure or action that a student requires because of their disability, and which has the effect of assisting the student to access and participate in education and training on the same basis as candidates without a disability.

b. An adjustment is reasonable if it achieves this purpose while taking into account factors such as the nature of the student's disability, the views of the student, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others who might be affected, and the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.

c. An education provider is also entitled to maintain the academic integrity of a course or program and to consider the requirements or components that are inherent or essential to its nature when assessing whether an adjustment is reasonable.

d. A reasonable adjustment should not cause undue hardship to the education provider.

Reasonable adjustments to assessment: are variations to assessment tasks including additional time in examinations, providing examination questions in alternative formats, (e.g. audio-tape, Braille), substitution of one assessment task for another of equivalent academic merit, and provision of support personnel (e.g. readers for blind candidates).

Reasonable adjustments to teaching: are variations in course delivery including audio or video recording of lectures, provision of personal notes or copies of overheads to candidates, provision of signlanguage interpreters and using accessible venues.


Fine Wines Pte Ltd will make reasonable adjustments to accommodate candidates with disabilities without compromising the academic standard or essential nature of the course:

a. Candidates with disabilities are subject to standard rules and procedures regarding assessment and teaching. Variations are only available where the student can demonstrate disadvantage as a result of disability;

b. Adjustments are intended to minimise any competitive disadvantage that a person experiences as a result of their disability, rather than provide a competitive advantage.

c. All agreed adjustments related to assessments are to be pre-approved by the WSET and recorded on the student file.


Candidates with a Disability

It is the responsibility of candidates with a disability to:

a. Identify as a student with a disability and request information on support arrangements at the time of application.

b. Provide a verification statement of disability from an authorised assessing professional.

c. Candidates are advised to consult Fine Wines Pte Ltd staff well in advance to discuss issues/concerns and possibly negotiate Reasonable Adjustments.

d. All requests for reasonable adjustments should be submitted at least two months before commencement of study, to ensure the required adjustments can be prepared/implemented.

Manager / Coordinator & Teaching Staff

It is the responsibility of the Manager/Coordinator and/or Teaching Staff to:

a. Discuss support measures and reasonable adjustments following a student request.

b. Where appropriate, coordinate additional expert advice. Obtain prior approval from the WSET for all proposed arrangements.

c. Coordinate the provision of all specialised requirements (e.g. print in alternative formats, wheelchair accessible rooms & facilities, participation assistants).

d. Where appropriate, ensure Alternative Examination/Assessment Arrangements are pre-approved by WSET.

e. Ensure that reasonable adjustments and special arrangements are communicated and facilitated with the student during the course delivery

f. Ensure, in consultation with the Manager & with WSET, that the agreed reasonable adjustments do not compromise academic integrity.

i. Inform the student of the arrangements and venue for examinations.

ii. Inform the examination supervisor of all special arrangements made.

Any personal information provided by students will be handled in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.

Diversity and Equality Policy

Fine Wines Pte Ltd is committed to developing the diverse skills and experiences of all. We respect our employees, clients, candidates and investors throughout the world without regard to their differences or similarities. Our actions and behaviours must demonstrate and confirm our respect for each other and each other's contributions.

Fine Wines Pte Ltd is committed to the goals of equal opportunity and affirmative action in employment. It aims to provide a work environment for staff that fosters fairness, equity, and respect for social and cultural diversity, and that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and vilification as determined by current and future legislation.

To reinforce this commitment in our daily work all company activities, policies, practices and procedures are to be carried out in accordance with this policy. Each employee is personally responsible and accountable for ensuring that her/his actions and behaviours reflect this policy.

Equal Opportunities

Fine Wines Pte Ltd considers all forms of discrimination to be unacceptable in the workplace. Fine Wines Pte Ltd is committed to providing equal opportunities throughout employment, including in the remuneration, recruitment, training and promotion of staff.
Fine Wines Pte Ltd is committed to ensuring that no employee receives less favourable treatment or is unlawfully discriminated against on grounds of disability, gender, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, religious convictions, age, nationality or ethnic origin.
Fine Wines Pte Ltd is an equal opportunities employer. All appointments and promotions are made on the basis of performance and ability. We are committed to the continued development of the personal and business skills of our employees and you will be treated in a fair and unbiased way and given every encouragement to realise your potential.

All employees will be made aware of the provisions of this policy and all employees are required to ensure that the policy is carried out properly as in addition to being committed to equal opportunities internally within the workplace, Fine Wines Pte Ltd is committed to clients and Candidates being treated equally.

Fine Wines Pte Ltd is committed to its Candidates being assessed in accordance with their merits and qualifications and ability to perform the relevant duties required by a particular vacancy. Fine Wines Pte Ltd will not tolerate unlawful discrimination against or towards any Candidates or client or prospective client.

Further Information 
Candidates may also refer the WSET®’s own Equal Opportunity Policy as published in the APP Handbook – this is available to candidates on request. 

Candidates who believe they have been discriminated against should contact Fine Wines Pte Ltd (as the APP) at or 6385 2438.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Fine Wines Pte Ltd (FWPL), in its capacity as an Approved Program Provider (APP) for WSET® Awards, will identify, report to WSET®, monitor and manage all conflicts of interest which may have an adverse effect on the WSET® programs and qualifications offered. Fine Wines Pte Ltd will take all reasonable steps to prevent and/or mitigate such adverse effect where it exists.


This document provides guidance to all individuals engaged in activities undertaken on behalf of WSET® Awards (the awarding organisation of the Wine & Spirit Education Trust), which have potential to lead them to act contrary to the interests of WSET® Awards in the development, delivery, assessment and award of its regulated qualifications.

This document defines what is meant by conflict of interest, describes such conflict of interest in the context of working with WSET Awards, identifies those conflicts of interest that can be managed and are therefore acceptable and those that cannot be managed and are therefore unacceptable. It also gives examples of potential conflict of interest.

This policy is applicable to all members of FWPL staff involved in delivery, administration and/or marketing of WSET® programs of study leading to WSET® qualification, or FWPL staff acting in any other capacity on behalf of WSET® Awards.

This policy should be considered in instances of both actual and perceived Conflict of Interest.


Conflict of Interest exists where an individual has interests or loyalties that could adversely influence their judgement, objectivity or loyalty to FWPL when conducting activities associated with WSET® qualifications. These can arise in many different aspects of awarding organisation activity, such as:

• An individual whose personal interests or loyalties conflict with their WSET Involvement

• An individual who receives remuneration for services that conflict with their WSET Involvement

• An individual whose acts put FWPL in a position of non-compliance with its APP responsibilities.

Whilst it would be impossible to give a definitive list of scenarios presenting potential for conflict of interest, the following have been identified resulting from WSET® Awards’ Risk Management review as being of primary significance. However, other scenarios will constitute conflict of interest, and the WSET® will take actions to redress any such instances that come to their attention other than by declaration from the individual concerned. Such actions may also include the imposition of sanctions, if deemed appropriate.

Specific examples of conflict of interest include the following:

• The undertaking of any assessment of candidates by an individual who has a personal interest in the result of the assessment for any or all individuals concerned;

• The undertaking of any moderation of assessment of candidates by an individual who has a personal interest in the result of the assessment for any or all individuals concerned;

• The tutoring of candidates by any individual involved in the assessment process;

• The undertaking of a WSET® regulated qualification by any individual employed by Fine Wines Pte Ltd.

• The undertaking of a WSET® regulated qualification by any individual employed by WSET® Awards.

• The invigilation of a WSET® regulated qualification by any individual involved in the delivery of training leading to the assessment.

• The delivery of “coaching sessions” to examination candidates by any individual involved in the assessment of candidate scripts or the authoring of examination questions.

• The employment by Fine Wines Pte Ltd (an APP) of individuals engaged in the delivery of taught programs or in the role of Internal Assessor in another APP

Guidance on handling conflict of interest:

Any individual engaged with WSET® Awards in the provision of WSET® regulated qualifications, as identified under the scope of this policy, is required to make a “Declaration of Interest” by informing FWPL of any potential conflict of interest. FWPL will then make a declaration to WSET® Awards.

Certain individuals, such as those involved in the assessment process, are also required to submit a signed declaration of “Non-disclosure”. It is essential that any conflict of interest is declared to FWPL and WSET® Awards immediately to ensure this does not compromise FWPL’s status of compliance.

WSET® Awards has processes and procedures in place to manage actual or perceived conflict of interest. These include the exclusive involvement of WSET® Awards staff in the creation of all assessment materials, moderation of all internal assessment conducted by Fine Wines Pte Ltd (as the APP), and moderation of all written examinations not marked by optical mark readers.


Fine Wines Pte Ltd, as an APP engaged in the provision of WSET qualifications, will promptly report any potential for conflict of interest to the Centre Coordinator and Quality Control Manager at WSET Awards.

Individuals involved in teaching or assessing WSET programs will submit all declarations required under this policy to WSET, and will inform WSET promptly of any change to their situation and potential conflict of interest.

Fine Wines Pte Ltd will ensure this Conflict of Interest policy is available to all candidates. Where a potential or perceived conflict of interest exists for a Candidate, Fine Wines Pte Ltd will advise the candidate to contact WSET for further clarification and guidance.

Malpractice and Maladministration Policy

This policy is aimed at our customers, including candidates, who are delivering/registered at Fine Wines Pte Ltd (FWPL) approved qualifications or units and who are involved in suspected or actual malpractice /maladministration. It is also for use by our staff to ensure they deal with all malpractice and maladministration investigations in a consistent manner. 

It sets out the steps our centre, and candidates or other personnel must follow when reporting suspected or actual cases of malpractice/maladministration and our responsibilities in dealing with such cases. It also sets out the procedural steps we will follow when reviewing the cases.  

Fine Wines Pte Ltd responsibility  

It is important that our staff involved in the management, assessment and quality assurance of our qualifications, and our candidates, are fully aware of the contents of the policy and that our centre has arrangements in place to prevent and investigate instances of malpractice and maladministration.  

A failure to report suspected or actual malpractice/maladministration cases,  
or have in place effective arrangements to prevent such cases, may lead to sanctions being imposed on our centre.  

Review arrangements  

We will review the policy annually as part of our annual self-assessment arrangements and quality plan. The policy will be revised as and when necessary, in response to customer and candidates feedback, changes in our practices, actions from the regulatory authorities or external agencies or changes in legislation or trends identified from previous allegations. In addition, this policy may be updated in light of operational feedback to ensure our arrangements for dealing with suspected cases of malpractice /maladministration remain effective.  
Definition of Malpractice  

FWPL will ensure that the delivery and administration of any WSET qualification complies in all respects to the rules, regulations and procedures set out in the WSET APP Operating Handbook. All WSET® examinations run by this APP will be administered in line with the Centre Agreement, Code of Practice and Invigilation. Instructions provided in the Operating handbook, and Examination Regulations issued to all APPs and Students in the Qualification Specifications.  

Failure to abide by these criteria will be considered Malpractice and or Maladministration and may affect our ability to continue teaching WSET qualifications.  

Malpractice is essentially any activity or practice which deliberately contravenes regulations and compromises the integrity of internal or external assessment processes and/or the validity of certificates.  

For the purpose of this policy this term also covers misconduct and forms of unnecessary discrimination or bias towards certain groups of candidates.  

The categories listed below are examples of centre and candidates malpractice. Please note that these examples are not exhaustive and are only intended as guidance on our definition of malpractice:  

• Contravention of our centre and qualification approval conditions  

• Denial of access to resources (premises, records, information, candidates and staff) by any authorised representative and/or the regulatory authorities  

• Failure to carry out delivery, internal assessment, internal moderation or internal verification in accordance with our requirements  

• Deliberate or persistent failure to continually adhere to FWPL recognition and/or qualification approval criteria or actions assigned to FWPL 

• Persistent instances of maladministration within FWPL  

• The unauthorised use of materials/equipment in assessment/exam settings (eg mobile phones/cameras)  

• Intentional withholding of information from us which is critical to maintaining the rigour of quality assurance and standards  

• Deliberate misuse of FWPL or FWPL’s partner logo and trademarks  

• Forgery of evidence  

• Collusion or permitting collusion in exams  

• Insecure storage of assessment materials and exam papers  

• Unauthorised amendment, copying or distributing of exam papers  

• Inappropriate assistance to candidates by Fine Wines Pte Ltd staff (eg unfairly helping them to pass a unit or qualification)  

• Submission of false information to gain a qualification or unit  

Sanctions Applicable to Students



Written Warning 

The student is issued with a written warning that if the offence is repeated within a set period of time then further specified sanctions will be applied. 

Exam Result Declared Null and Void
A student’s exam result is disallowed. This may include invalidation and recall of a certificate already issued.
Disqualification from a Qualification
The student is disqualified from participating in the concerned qualification with immediate effect and further excluded from participating in any further WSET qualifications for a period of 12 months.
Student Disqualification
The learner is disqualified from participating in any courses or assessments leading to WSET qualifications.

Definition of Maladministration 

Maladministration is essentially any activity/practice that is accidental/unintentional which results in non-compliance with administrative regulations and requirements and includes the application of persistent mistakes or poor administration within a centre (eg inappropriate use of candidate’s records). 

Process for making an allegation of malpractice or maladministration 

Anybody who identifies or is made aware of suspected or actual cases of malpractice or maladministration at any time must immediately report their findings to the Director of Quality In doing so they should put them in writing/email and enclose appropriate supporting evidence. 

• All allegations must include (where possible) the: 

• Centre’s name, address and number 

• Candidates name and awarding organisation number 

• FWPL personnel’s details (name, job role) if they are involved in the case 

• Title and number of the FWPL courses/qualifications affected or nature of the service affected 

• Date(s) suspected or actual malpractice occurred 

• Full nature of the suspected or actual malpractice 

• Contents and outcome of any investigation carried out by the centre or anybody else involved in the case, including any mitigating circumstances 

• Written statements from those informant’s name, position and signature 

If a centre conducts an investigation before submitting it formally, the centre should: 

• Ensure that FWPL staff leading the investigation are independent of the staff/candidates/function being investigated 

• Inform those who are suspected of malpractice that they are entitled to know the necessary details of the case and possible outcomes 

• Submit the findings of the investigation to us with your report 

In all cases we’ll protect the identity of the ‘informant’ in accordance with our duty of confidentiality and/or and other legal duty. 

Any candidate has the right to appeal any decision made against them using the WSET® Customer Service Statement.
Investigation timeliness and process 

FWPL aims to action and resolve all stages of the investigation within 20 working days of receipt of the allegation. 

The investigation may involve: 

• A request for further information from the FWPL

• Interviews (face to face or by telephone) with personnel involved in the investigation 

Where a member of FWPL’s staff is under investigation they may be suspended, or they may be moved to other duties until the investigation is complete. 

Throughout the investigation our FWPL Co-ordinator will be responsible for overseeing the work of the investigation team to ensure that due process is being followed, appropriate evidence has been gathered and reviewed for liaising with and keeping informed relevant external parties. 

If any student feels that FWPL actions or maladministration has led to them being disadvantaged, please refer to our Complaints and Appeals Policy.

Formal Complaint Process

Fine Wines Pte Ltd is committed to providing a learning and working environment in which complaints are responded to promptly and with minimum distress to all parties. Fine Wines Pte Ltd is committed to a visible, accessible, and fair complaints process. Fine Wines Pte Ltd views student complaints as providing an opportunity to review and improve its policies and practices and also to gain insight into student levels of satisfaction.

This policy applies to student complaints made in the context of Fine Wines Pte Ltd’s provision of WSET® Courses and Examinations as a WSET® Approved Program Provider.


What is a complaint?

A complaint is a formal statement expressing dissatisfaction that requires action or response. The complaint may be in relation to any aspect of the course delivery, conduct of teaching staff or management, or matters pertaining to the examination process or content. Where the complaint is regarding a possible incorrect examination result, Fine Wines Pte Ltd will provide students with appropriate information regarding the WSET® Enquiry and Appeals Process.


Fine Wines Pte Ltd’s procedures for handling student complaints are based on confidentiality, impartiality, procedural fairness, and prompt resolution. Where complaints are of a minor nature, they may be resolved informally. An informal approach is appropriate when it can be achieved. But if concerns cannot be satisfactorily resolved informally, then the formal complaints procedure should be followed. The formal complaints procedure is intended to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly and consistently. All formal complaints must be submitted in writing, via email, or written correspondence. All formal complaints will receive a written response of the outcome of the complaint, following appropriate investigation of the circumstances.

Fine Wines Pte Ltd
114 Lavender Street
#02-60 CT Hub 2
Singapore 338729

Tel: +65 6385 2438


Fine Wines Pte Ltd’s responsibilities will be to:

• Acknowledge any formal complaint received in writing within ten working days

• Respond within a stated period of time of 21 working days with either a conclusion or a further update depending on the severity of the complaint 

• Deal reasonably and sensitively with the complainant

• Cooperate fully in any investigation process

• Take action where appropriate, including any corrective action necessary to prevent recurrence; if the complaint relates to examination content or results, provide the student with the relevant WSET® guidance notes and forms to allow the student to utilize the WSET® Enquiries and Appeals process

A complainant’s responsibility is to:

• Bring their complaint, in writing, to Fine Wines Pte Ltd’s attention within seven working days of the issue arising or within seven days of completion of the course or examination;

• Explain the problem as clearly and as fully as possible with your expected outcome;

• Allow Fine Wines Pte Ltd a reasonable time to deal with the matter

• Recognize that some circumstances may be beyond Fine Wines Pte Ltd’s control


• Students will receive written advice on the outcome of their complaints. Some of the possible outcomes of a student complaint include:

• Through the resolution process, the student gains a better understanding of the situation so that their concerns are addressed.

• A mutually acceptable resolution is reached through conciliation or mediation.

• The student receives an apology, and/or the issue or behavior that was the basis of their complaint is modified. In some cases, the complaint cannot be substantiated, and no further action will result.

Referral to WSET:

If the above steps have all been completed and the student is still dissatisfied, they can file a complaint with the WSET. Please note that the WSET can only take action on complaints from students if they have followed the above procedures first. email  

Confidentiality & Documentation:

All documentation relating to complaints will be kept strictly confidential and will not be accessible to anyone who is not directly involved in handling the complaint. Any material about the outcome of the complaint will be placed on the appropriate student file. A register of complaints made (anonymous of names), along with their outcomes, will be maintained to continuously improve policies and practices.

Privacy and Data Protection Policy

The Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) requires Approved Programme Providers (APPs) to provide relevant personal information (names, date of birth and email addresses) of all WSET course candidates for the following purposes:

1) To register candidates with WSET taking WSET qualifications.

2) To administer WSET exams, including verifying candidates’ identity, and making arrangements for reasonable adjustments and/or special considerations.

3) To issue WSET exam results and qualification certificates.

4) To provide post-results services such as enquiries on results and appeals and obtaining candidates’ feedback on WSET qualifications.

5) To communicate information to candidates regarding the WSET course/s for which they are registered (or which they have registered interest in).

6) To investigate any potential maladministration, malpractice, or other non-compliance in connection with the delivery of WSET qualifications.

All personal data shared with WSET is processed in accordance with the WSET’s Data Protection Policy.

We keep your information safe by storing your information securely and restricting access to authorised users only.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact us at: 

Policy for Candidates requesting Feedback, Enquiries and Appeals against Examination Results

The Wine & Spirit Education Trust operates a thorough system of checks before the release of examination results in order to ensure that, as far as possible, they are completely accurate. The enquiries and appeals system exists to identify and correct errors in marking and/or processing. However we would like to emphasise that a scanning process is used to mark multiple choice questions and it is therefore very rare for initial marks to be incorrect, providing the candidate has completed the answer form header correctly. Feedback on a candidate’s performance may be requested to assist them in preparing for future examinations as an additional service when requesting an Enquiry.

If a candidate considers that an error may have been made in the grading of papers, they may ask to have an examination paper reviewed and re-marked. To do this they should contact their Approved Programme Provider (the organisation with whom the examination was sat) and ask for a copy of these guidance notes and the Application Form for Enquiries against Examination Results. Alternatively, they can contact the Examinations Administrator at The APP and request a copy of the application form at 

The completed application form requesting a review of examination results must be submitted to WSET no later than 15 working days after the issue of examination results. Any request received outside of this time frame will not be reviewed.

A candidate may only appeal against an examination result once an enquiry has been processed. Any candidate unsatisfied with the result of the review and re-marking of an examination paper should contact the Examinations Administrator at WSET® Awards and request an Appeal against Examination Results Application Form. The Application Form must be completed and returned to WSET® Awards, together with the appropriate fee, no more than 10 working days following notification of the enquiry decision. Appeals received outside of this timeframe will not be reviewed.

WSET® Awards will confirm receipt of an Appeal Against Examination Results within 3 working days (usually by e-mail) and the APP will also be advised that an appeal is in process. All appeals will be assessed by the Director of WSET® Awards, and subsequently submitted to the Appeals Panel for independent review. The Appeals Panel includes one independent member, who is not, and has not been at any time during the past seven years, a member of WSET® Awards’ board or committees, or an employee or examiner. WSET® Awards will advise the candidate and APP of any decision resulting from an appeal within 40 working days for qualification levels 1-3.

Where appeals are upheld WSET® Awards will:
• Refund the appeal application fee;
• Amend the examination result accordingly;
• Issue a new certificate free of charge following return of the original certificate as appropriate.

Where the outcome of an appeal brings into question the accuracy of the marks of other candidates’ sitting the same examination paper, WSET Awards will review all scripts and make amendments as necessary to maintain the integrity of the qualification. Where an appeal remains unresolved following the process outlined above, applicants may request that their case be submitted for final independent review. In such instances, all supporting documentation pertaining to the case will be submitted to an Independent Reviewer who is the Internal Quality Assurance Leader of a separate OfQual accredited Awarding Body.


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