FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 杜鲁安穆西尼 1996 杜鲁安穆西尼 9/10 stars 呵了五个年份的慕西尼,这个96年比起其他88,95,98,03都明显略高一筹。鼻味新鲜而且成熟。内容很成熟,比97年份的更成熟。现在饮用96年份的布艮第是最佳的饮用期了,不要再等了! Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive promotion is dedicated to our valued blog... 1996 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 杜鲁安蒙哈榭 1996 杜鲁安蒙哈榭 10/10 stars 96年是个很好的白布艮第年份,我对蒙他谢的期待也更高。但是这瓶酒还是没有超越我的期待,虽然还是在预期之内。鼻香非常棒的新鲜和花香。果味成熟(有点超越其他96年的酒),虽然还是很柔顺。酸度有点高,但是这是在预料之中,96年的酸度都比较高。味道很完美,而且夹带着非常高级的橡木桶味。 Special Deal For All Readers This ex... 10 Stars 1996 Vintage Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 Chateau Angelus Saint Emilion 1996 Chateau Angelus Saint Emilion 9/10 stars I have stressed often that 96 was not a right bank vintage, it’s better off you buy poor wines from Pauillac than to splurge on Pomerol or St Emilion. Lik... 1996 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Franc Chateau Angelus France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 Domaine Matrot Meursault Perrières 1er Cru 1996 Domaine Matrot Meursault Perrières 1er Cru 9/10 stars If there’s a perfect plot in Meursault, Perrieres would be the unashamed plot! Even not so well known labels like Pierre Matrot stood out. Ve... 1996 Vintage 9 Stars Burgundy Chardonnay France Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 Joseph Drouhin Musigny Grand Cru 1996 Joseph Drouhin Musigny Grand Cru 9/10 stars This was the best vintage amongst 88, 95, 96, 98 and 03. Rightfully so, as 96 red burgundies we’re far superior compared to most other vintages, especi... 1996 Vintage 9 Stars Burgundy France Joseph Drouhin Pinot Noir Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 Joseph Drouhin Montrachet Grand Cru Marquis de Laguiche 1996 Joseph Drouhin Montrachet Grand Cru Marquis de Laguiche 10/10 stars For a great vintage like 96, I would still expect a lot from a Montrachet. Even though it met my expectations, it didn’t exceed... 10 Stars 1996 Vintage Burgundy Chardonnay France Joseph Drouhin Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 白勃艮第科通查里曼 1996 白勃艮第科通查里曼 7/10 stars 可惜这个路易斯.拉图的品牌比较适合在超市里卖,虽然他们也出产高级的葡萄酒,但是给人印象就是超市卖的酒。鼻香有着森林气息,酸干味还有那种不熟的青木瓜香。口感就不像其他科通查里曼那样,比较偏向于不成熟的青木瓜。我还有一些剩下的酒第二天品尝,也是同样的结论。 Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive pro... 1996 Vintage 7 Stars Burgundy Chardonnay France Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 美讯酒庄 1996 美讯酒庄 9/10 stars 在96的波尔多盲品里,这个修道院红颜容96不是最完美的,但是也不是最弱的(玛歌96相比弱多了),虽然庄园已经出尽全力,但是无奈天气还是对庄园有点不公平。鼻子的香味很浓厚的泥土味和柔和的奶油味。口感有点肮脏(就是不够圆滑),有些香草味,橡木桶里的奶油味。我建议你要喝最好的修道院红颜容非喝1989年份或是1998年份的 Special Deal For All... 1996 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 沙龙香槟香槟酒 1996 沙龙香槟香槟酒 10/10 stars 顶级 盲品了一杯这瓶泡沫酒,早下的结论是一瓶98年的香槟。我下结论是根据泡沫酒的平衡,还有不明显的果味。我完全错了,这款香槟之后的表现出乎我意料之外!慢慢的从高酸度开始变得比较重果味了,我期待喝十年后的这瓶酒! Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive promotion is dedicated to... 10 Stars 1996 Vintage Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 Louis Latour Corton Charlemagne Grand Cru 1996 Louis Latour Corton Charlemagne Grand Cru 7/10 stars GREEN PAPAYA 青木瓜 Perhaps it should rightfully sell this wine in supermarket, as the quality wasn’t impressive. Forest freshness, lime tree and... 1996 Vintage 7 Stars Burgundy Chardonnay France Louis Latour Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 修道院红颜容 1996 修道院红颜容 9/10 stars 不是最好的 在96的波尔多盲品里,这个修道院红颜容96不是最完美的,但是也不是最弱的(玛歌96相比弱多了),虽然庄园已经出尽全力,但是无奈天气还是对庄园有点不公平。鼻子的香味很浓厚的泥土味和柔和的奶油味。口感有点肮脏(就是不够圆滑),有些香草味,橡木桶里的奶油味。我建议你要喝最好的修道院红颜容非喝1989年份或是1998年份的。 Special Dea... 1996 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 拉菲 1996 拉菲 10/10 stars 双胞胎的拉菲 你真的相信两瓶同样标签的拉菲96会是同一个味道吗?那你还需要多累积喝酒的经验,因为他们差别特别大!一瓶是酒庄的来源,另一瓶是英国有名望的商家买的。酒庄来源的那一瓶非常有实力而且果味澎湃大气,很有波亚克的风格。而英国买的酒相对弱了很多。我说酒的来源是喝酒最重要的因素,不是价钱! Special Deal For All Readers This ... 10 Stars 1996 Vintage Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018