FW Bok Nan Lo 2003 Chateau Soutard Grand Cru Classe 2003 Chateau Soutard Grand Cru Classe 7/10 stars Not exactly a good vintage for Bordeaux as it was super hot thus killing all the Merlot grapes and only the tough Cabernet Sauvignon survived. Aromas o... 2003 Vintage 7 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Franc Chateau Soutard France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1994 Chateau La Conseillante Pomerol 1994 Chateau La Conseillante Pomerol 8/10 stars MISSING ELEGANCE 缺乏优雅 Whenever I think of La Conseillante, I always associate it with elegance. But this threw me off a bit, maybe because it didn’t com... 1994 Vintage 8 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Franc France La Conseillante Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1990 Chateau Pavie 1990 Chateau Pavie 10/10 stars If we judge based only with labels and vintage, this one was a clear standout. Nose of ripe dark fruits, vanilla, oak and lead. Palate was extremely elegant with red fru... 10 Stars 1990 Vintage Bordeaux Cabernet Franc Chateau Pavie France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1999 Leoville Barton Saint Julien 1999 Leoville Barton Saint Julien 8/10 stars I was reminded with the smell of blood at first whiff as there was a lot of iron to begin with but eventually opened up. Aromas black currant, leather, tin... 1999 Vintage 8 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Leoville Barton Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1990 Chateau d'Issan Margaux 1990 Chateau d'Issan Margaux 8/10 stars 3 months ago, I had this wine and glowed about it. This time, nothing to rave about. Nose of weak fruits, pepper and slight leather. The palate had no fruits an... 1990 Vintage 8 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon Chateau d'Issan France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo Bordeaux vs Super Tuscan Wine Tasting Bordeaux vs Super Tuscan Wine Tasting 10/10 stars BORDEAUX VS SUPER TUSCAN WINES 波尔多PK托斯卡那 We recently hosted a BYOB dinner with the theme of Bordeaux vs Super Tuscan wines. The reason for this is bec... 10 Stars Bordeaux France Italy Tasting Notes 2018 Tuscany
FW Bok Nan Lo 1986 嘉雅酒庄 1986 嘉雅酒庄 9/10 stars 我喝过不少意大利的酒,不是很多酒庄我都有兴趣,但是一提起嘉雅庄园,尤其是它单独的田园苏里蒂丁庄园就是不一般,质量非常好!刚开始鼻蕾什么都闻不到,后来慢慢开放成蓝莓香和薄荷加草药。口感有点凉茶的味道和非常结合的单宁。酒体有点干燥,喝了两个小时还是没有什么变化,可以说是一款非常固执的酒,可以再陈年几十年都没有问题! Special Deal For All R... 1986 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1948 贝加西西里亚酒庄 1948 贝加西西里亚酒庄 9/10 stars 贝加西西里亚酒庄酿的酒需要非常长时期的陈年才可以饮用,70年可能还不够!1948年什么概念?差一年共产党就解放了整个中国!鼻蕾就是非常氧化的味,比波特还难闻,他们用了美国的橡木桶,而且酒在橡木桶里连续22年的发酵,所以鼻蕾很浓厚的香草味。口感有点过时了,果味不足,不过结构非常好,越喝越像是葡萄牙的波特酒! Special Deal For All ... 1948 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1983 玛士·嘉萨酒庄 1983 玛士·嘉萨酒庄 9/10 stars 这是我喝过的玛德玛嘉萨酒庄最古老的一瓶酒,我很欣赏他们的传统酿酒的精神,而且品味一致,几十年后还是没有变化。喝过了比较年轻的年份,比如04,08和11,感觉陈年的味道和年轻的接近一样!现在这个年代很难找到一个诚实的酿酒庄园了,因为他们都被评语分数影响了! Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive prom... 1983 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 2016 西班牙白酒 2016 西班牙白酒 8/10 stars 我去了曼谷的一家出名的餐厅吃饭,名叫Bo.Lan, 他们非常推荐这款酒,我尝试了也同意他们的看法。鼻蕾就是浓厚的荔枝味。口感却不是荔枝,而是干菠萝味。奇妙的是这款酒特别能灭掉泰国菜的辣和香料!我当时跟厨师说我要最辣的!所以我很惊讶这款酒的灭火功能! Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive promotion... 2016 Vintage 8 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 2016 新西兰白酒 2016 新西兰白酒 7/10 stars 年轻的白相思,尤其是新世界的白相思,通常都很呛,很尖锐,也很攻击型的酒,我建议一定要放几年才饮用。这个来自于纽西兰的白相思完全在我的框架里的形容,太过呛与尖锐。喝了几口后我就放弃了。 Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive promotion is dedicated to our valued blog ... 2016 Vintage 7 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 2016 新西兰白酒 2016 新西兰白酒 6/10 stars 不要相信酒评!我看了某个专家的评论说这瓶酒如何的完美,可以PK顶级的白布艮第的酒。我说我得品尝才下结论。第一口感非常不错,但是我还是持有怀疑的态度。我把酒杯放一旁,一个小时后再回来品尝,果然只有酸度,果味没有了! Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive promotion is dedicated to o... 2016 Vintage 6 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018