FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 波尔多葡萄酒 1996 波尔多葡萄酒 10/10 stars 顶级波尔多的盲品 今晚的盲品都是顶级的波尔多酒庄,盲品不受品牌的影响,今晚出场的品牌有: 1. 拉菲96两瓶不同的来源 2. 拉图96 3. 玛歌96 4. 修道院红颜容96 5. 靓次巴82 6. 车库酒庄Tertre Rotebouef09 有好几瓶酒都是派克给了满分酒。看官猜猜那瓶酒今晚会胜出? Special Deal For All Rea... 10 Stars 1996 Vintage Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1990 Lafite Rothschild Pauillac 1990 Lafite Rothschild Pauillac 10/10 stars COMPREHENSIBLE LAFITE 明明白白的拉菲 I have had many bottles of Lafite in my life, and particularly Lafite 90. Lafite was cryptic! Tonight I finally had a superb L... 10 Stars 1990 Vintage Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Lafite Rothschild Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1985 Cos d'Estournel Saint Estephe 1985 Cos d'Estournel Saint Estephe 9/10 stars AVERAGE JOE 一般的表现 This was fielded in a blind tasting amongst the big guys; Lafite 90, Cheval Blanc Saint Emilion 2000, Ducru Beaucaillou 82 and Trotanoy ... 1985 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon Cos d'Estournel France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 2005 Pavillon Blanc du Chateau Margaux 2005 Pavillon Blanc du Chateau Margaux 8/10 stars DULL 沉闷 After drinking so much white burgundies, switching back to Bordeaux Blanc made it very dull and unexciting. Spoiled palate I admit! Nose was d... 2005 Vintage 8 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon Chateau Margaux France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1982 Lynch Bages Pauillac 1982 Lynch Bages Pauillac 10/10 stars FIFTH GROWTH MIRACLE 五级庄的奇迹 If you have been following my recent reports, you would have realized I left this label last. Why? It kicked the butt of all first gro... 10 Stars 1982 Vintage Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Lynch Bages Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 La Mission Haut Brion Pessac Leognan 1996 La Mission Haut Brion Pessac Leognan 9/10 stars NOT THE BEST 不是最好的 Amongst all the big guys in my 96 blind tasting, this La Mission Haut Brion 96 wasn’t the best, but definitely not the worst (Ch... 1996 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France La Mission Haut Brion Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1996 Chateau Margaux 1996 Chateau Margaux 9/10 stars NOT GREAT 就没有表现出色过 Since about 10 years ago I started drinking this Chateau Margaux 96, those days I already didn’t have high respect for her. Same comment along the wa... 1996 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon Chateau Margaux France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1989 克拉米伦 1989 克拉米伦 9/10 stars 优雅的强劲 我们在男爵垂直品酒会里掺入五级庄的克里米伦1989,因为这是一瓶值得尊重的年份,可惜它却不能超越男爵的那种强劲的风格,不过还是很好的做了比较。香味覆盖了浓厚的黑加仑果味和烟熏味。内容也相当的烟熏,不过很柔和的力度,给这瓶酒非常优雅的强劲,因为它还带着非常多的丹宁和酸度。我感觉它是超值的酒,风格有点像一级庄的武当王。 Special Deal F... 1989 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 2005 碧尚男爵 2005 碧尚男爵 10/10 stars 下一个值得的年份 2005年是个伟大的年份,当然男爵的成品也不例外。除了垂直的1989年份,这个2005年份就是一个非常难得的好酒。馥香带有黑加仑,彬木,碳,然后最后出现的是浓厚的香草味。口感非常强劲,有厚重的丹宁还有很平衡的酸度和很纯的黑果味,还有非常悠长的回味。这瓶酒要陈年50年根本是轻而易举的事情,我连眼皮都不会眨一下! Special Deal ... 10 Stars 2005 Vintage Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 2002 碧尚男爵 2002 碧尚男爵 9/10 stars 超前的品味 在我们垂直的品酒会中,这是最前位和成熟的年份,有点早熟的感觉,或者是酒庄为了迎合市场的需求而改变原本需要陈年多年的风格,这样就比较平易近人,而且不需要无限期等待下去。香味带点松木,甘草,还有很甜的黑加仑果味。内容有点烟熏和混合的黑和红果味。我虽然很欣赏这瓶酒,但是我知道这瓶酒不能再陈年10或20年了,现在饮用是最适合的时期. Special D... 2002 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1995 碧尚男爵 1995 碧尚男爵 9/10 stars 走入木林 这个年份的男爵很奇特也很精彩,它散发出的馥香是其他年份没有的。第一嗅觉的感觉是,我被带入到一个木林里,鼻蕾有红果味,红樱桃,还有轻微的橡木桶烧烤。口感可以喝得出很多果味,还有浓厚的单宁和活跃的酸度。在竹林下烧烤一些肉食配合这个男爵95是一项不错的选择. Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive pro... 1995 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1989 碧尚男爵 1989 碧尚男爵 10/10 stars 强劲的力量 这个89年完全代表了威猛和满身肌肉的男爵。鼻子充满了黑加仑,蓝莓的果味,还有复杂的薄荷,烟熏和碳味。内容非常好,很成熟的黑果味,很细腻但是结实的单宁,平衡的酸度还有非常悠长的回味和完美的果味结尾。 Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive promotion is dedicated to our... 10 Stars 1989 Vintage Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018