FW Bok Nan Lo 1985 Pichon Lalande Pauillac Reserve de la Comtesse 1985 Pichon Lalande Pauillac Reserve de la Comtesse 9.75/10 stars 2ND WINE FIESTA 副牌酒的风头 Reserve de la Comtesse was only a second wine for Pichon Lalande, Bok you crazy to give 5 stars? Surely, for le... 1985 Vintage 9.75 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Pichon Lalande Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1985 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1985 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 9/10 stars NEEDS TIME 需要时间 Initially was smoky with strong black fruits but the wine was still very closed. Waited for about 2 hours and it showed its colors. Nose of b... 1985 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Mouton Rothschild Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1983 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1983 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 9/10 stars READY TO GO 预备,走! After the legendary 1982 vintage, the 1983 vintage for Bordeaux was nothing great. This wine is nothing extraordinary, but amongst the flig... 1983 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Mouton Rothschild Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1998 Chateau Soutard Grand Cru Classe 1998 Chateau Soutard Grand Cru Classe 9/10 stars DECENT RIGHT BANK 不错的右岸酒 Bear in mind that this was a great vintage for right bank Bordeaux. This simple label can easily outrun most second growth fro... 1998 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Franc Chateau Soutard France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1980 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1980 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 9/10 stars SLOW PACE 慢的节奏 Initially was going to write this off as the weakest wine in the tasting due to the lightness in fruits and the palate being slightly diluted ... 1980 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Mouton Rothschild Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1975 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1975 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 9.75/10 stars YOUTHFUL 完美的年轻 Both 70s vintages in this vertical tasting have been nothing but spectacular. From the start, you can already tell it has stronger and ripe... 1975 Vintage 9.75 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Mouton Rothschild Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1983 克拉米伦 1983 克拉米伦 9/10 stars 不要低估 自从我喝过一瓶完全失望的拉菲83年后,我就对83年的波雅克产区有了戒心。不过,这个五级庄园克拉米伦恢复了我对83年的波雅克产区的信息。鼻子充斥着非常强劲的烟熏味,接近雪茄和烧烤烟熏味。我醒了一个小时的酒,内容变得非常柔和虽然还是刚强,完全是黑果味,尤为多黑加伦果味。 Special Deal For All Readers This exclus... 1983 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1975 木桐 1975 木桐 10/10 stars 完美的年轻 最近报道的两瓶木桐,70和75的,真的令人诧异的感觉这两瓶酒是青春永驻!非常甜的黑加伦果味,还有甜梅,香草味和香料。口感有很结实的单宁还有非常平衡的酸度,而且果味澎湃。谁会料到四十多年的酒会显得这样年轻呢? Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive promotion is dedicated to ... 10 Stars 1975 Vintage Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1970 木桐 1970 木桐 9/10 stars 年轻的四十八岁 这是我们垂直木桐里的唯一一瓶二级庄的年份。虽然过了四十八年,这瓶酒还是显示出优雅的性格。香味更接近于红果味,松木,薄荷,辣胡椒和碳味。口感就是已经融化的单宁,圆滑而且容易喝。这个伟大的年份显示出为什么木桐被提拔为一级庄! Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive promotion is dedic... 1970 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1983 马利哥 1983 马利哥 9/10 stars 玛歌的年份 83年是个非常棒的玛歌产区的年份。这个玛利歌庄园可以与宝玛庄园与玛歌酒庄齐名,而且比起其他玛歌产区的酒更有过之而无不极。秘密在于醒酒的时间。我醒了一个小时,跟第一口的感觉完全两码事。初始的粗燥口感消失了,取而代之的是非常柔和的口感和优雅高贵的口味。最后一口还有细腻的单宁! Special Deal For All Readers This exc... 1983 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 木桐庄园的垂直会 木桐庄园的垂直会 10/10 stars 木桐庄园的垂直会 在1973年,木桐庄园被法国政府破例从二级庄升为一级庄,他们是否值得这个一级庄的位置?我们准备了一瓶五级庄的靓茨伯85来PK木桐,你认为胜算如何?今晚的木桐垂直年份有70,75, 80, 85。 Special Deal For All Readers This exclusive promotion is dedicated to ou... 10 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018
FW Bok Nan Lo 1985 嘉芙丽酒庄 1985 嘉芙丽酒庄 9/10 stars 年轻的表现 很多人都对这款右岸酒嘉夫丽庄园不熟悉,其实他们酿的酒不会比左岸的酒差。这瓶酒33岁了,但是表现还是很年轻,因为我熟悉,所以我大胆的醒酒了一个半小时,效果非常好。初开瓶我尝了一口,非常紧。醒过后烟熏味,黑果味还有优雅的橡木桶香味都出现了。内容很黑加伦和浓厚的果味。 Special Deal For All Readers This exclus... 1985 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Tasting Notes 2018