FW Bok Nan Lo 1970 Chateau Montrose Saint Estephe 1970 Chateau Montrose Saint Estephe 9/10 stars AGED WINES There's no good labels, but only a good bottle, this is how the old folks will tell you when you open a bottle of aged wine, since the bottle ... 1970 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon Chateau Montrose France Merlot Tasting Notes 2017
FW Bok Nan Lo 1986 Pavillon Rouge du Chateau Margaux 1986 Pavillon Rouge du Chateau Margaux 8/10 stars SECOND LABEL Pavillon Rouge was the second label of Ch Margaux. The Grand Vin was really muscular and tannic in 86, thus I would expect this second la... 1986 Vintage 8 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon Chateau Margaux France Merlot Tasting Notes 2017
FW Bok Nan Lo 1989 Pichon Lalande Pauillac 1989 Pichon Lalande Pauillac 9/10 stars DISTURBED 1/2 I had the pleasure to drink this 89 and 90 side by side last night, of course in a blind format. This 89 was decanted for almost an hour, so when ... 1989 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Pichon Lalande Tasting Notes 2017
FW Bok Nan Lo 1983 Cos d'Estournel Saint Estephe 1983 Cos d'Estournel Saint Estephe 9/10 stars DECENT COS I'm surprised at the performance of this Cos d'Estournel 83 in a blind lineup of Bordeaux 83 wines. Old Cos are more classic style, I was nowhe... 1983 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon Cos d'Estournel France Merlot Tasting Notes 2017
FW Bok Nan Lo 1983 Rauzan Segla Margaux 1983 Rauzan Segla Margaux 8/10 stars RAUSAN RAUZAN If you are a fan of Rauzan Segla, you ought to notice that they changed their name from Rausan to Rauzan, and the label was also changed, probably af... 1983 Vintage 8 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Rauzan Segla Tasting Notes 2017
FW Bok Nan Lo 1983 Leoville Poyferre Saint Julien 1983 Leoville Poyferre Saint Julien 8/10 stars IGNORED Leoville Poyferre was like an abandoned kid amongst the three Leovilles in Saint Julien, hardly ever had any attention paid to it. As a second gr... 1983 Vintage 8 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Leoville Poyferre Merlot Tasting Notes 2017
FW Bok Nan Lo 1983 Chateau Palmer Margaux 1983 Chateau Palmer Margaux 8/10 stars DOWNHILL 1983 was a great Margaux appellation vintage, most Margaux labels did well. I was expecting Palmer to perform well in this Bordeaux 83 blind tasting, no... 1983 Vintage 8 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon Chateau Palmer France Merlot Tasting Notes 2017
FW Bok Nan Lo 1983 Chateau Latour Pauillac 1983 Chateau Latour Pauillac 9/10 stars KING OF BORDEAUX ... continued it's legacy. In a blind lineup of Bordeaux 83, Latour again took the limelight with the crowning of the King of the Vintage. Let ... 1983 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon Chateau Latour France Merlot Tasting Notes 2017
FW Bok Nan Lo 1978 Pichon Baron Pauillac 1978 Pichon Baron Pauillac 9/10 stars DRY PAPER Pichon Baron, the male version of the Pichon, would he be chauvinistic enough tonight? A whiff and I was like uh oh, sensing some trouble ahead. The whi... 1978 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Pichon Baron Tasting Notes 2016
FW Bok Nan Lo 1990 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1990 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 9/10 stars Parker was kinda right on awarding Mouton Rothschild 1990 a score of 84, although I totally pity Pichon Lalande 90 with a pathetic score of 79, as I think La... 1990 Vintage 9 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Mouton Rothschild Tasting Notes 2016
FW Bok Nan Lo 1995 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1995 Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 9.5/10 stars ELEGANT SMOKE Normally we don't like smokers, and cigarettes and cigar smoke are intolerable to many including myself, but I can smell this Mouton 95 smoke... 1995 Vintage 9.5 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Merlot Mouton Rothschild Tasting Notes 2016
FW Bok Nan Lo 2005 Malescot St Exupery Margaux 2005 Malescot St Exupery Margaux 9.5/10 stars Almost 5 stars This wine was really impressive, in fact any Bordeaux 2005 really never failed to impress me. On a first pour and first few sips, I have al... 2005 Vintage 9.5 Stars Bordeaux Cabernet Saugvignon France Malescot St Exupery Merlot Tasting Notes 2016